select platformurl,web from ocatwebview where web='' perumbavoor surgicals - Perumbavoor Surgicals, one of the leading health care product dealers and suppliers based in Perumbavoor, Ernakulam district, Cochin, the Silicon Valley of India, Kerala. Perumbavoor Surgicals is located in Perumbavoor town of Ernakulam district. It is situated approximately in the midst of Ernakulam district.

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Perumbavoor Surgicals, one of the leading health care product dealers and suppliers based in Perumbavoor, Ernakulam district, Cochin, the Silicon Valley of India, Kerala. Perumbavoor Surgicals is located in Perumbavoor town of Ernakulam district. It is situated approximately in the midst of Ernakulam district.
Coloplast Ostomy care Products - Perumbavoor Surgicals Pvt Ltd, Perumbavoor, Ernakulam, Kerala.We, Perumbavoor Surgicals Pvt Ltd is the leading Coloplast Ostomy care products wholesaler in Perumbavoor

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